Rabu, 18 Juli 2012

my lilttle fam's :)

just take some photo's my friend !
grab it xoxo
yulia :)

from left to the right --> on the tinjomoyo
me , nisa , riska , avita , ulfi , dita , ganesh , dwi 
bottom from left -->
ajeng , hery , yulia !

i luuuuuuurrrrv yuuuu

ouh i'm so sad :(


me xixi

alfin and me :)

car free day at tugu muda :)

lets se she so cute right ? this hand :D

2 handphone wow !

bhaha dewangga so sweet right ? 

just alfin !

dian ang sari wataaaa -_-

haha tri angels on the walls like a litlle crocodile :D

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