Minggu, 22 Juli 2012

high school trip :)

the story of high school
many memories ...
story ..

friendship ...

and love :)

beginning of July 2009 I came across a beautiful place called SMA N 14

so many memories that are there
The first time I found love

find the craziest friend

find a new family

new places, new teachers, new friends, new clothes (definitely), the new lcd hehe
I really enjoyed the time in the sma
currently known a lot of people I could pass osis
love with a brother class 
professor of law at the time naughty (oh shame)
but I enjoy it
I am proud to be one family there
i love you sir jo, tanto pack, tiara, Avita, Riska, yulia, sari, ULFA, dian
you are my everything 

how you'rs ? 

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